Pharmacy History Project


Long-time Arkansas Pharmacist Association member Jerry Stephens asked APA to help preserve pharmacy history in Arkansas by forming the Pharmacy History Working Group in June 2011. The Pharmacy History Project includes articles of human interest, humor and history. The intention is to preserve and share historical information about the practice of pharmacy in Arkansas. Original Working Group Members included: Jerry Stephens, Jon Wolfe, Eileen Denne, John Kirtley, and Don Stecks.

Tell us your pharmacy history story!
Pharmacists have stories to tell -- about their student days, early career and current positions in the profession of pharmacy in Arkansas. Many Arkansas pharmacists have family connections to pharmacy that are fun and interesting. Please share your story with others here. Click on the link below to go to a form that will help you tell your story, share electronic images and offer artifacts.

Read these stories:

Jon Wolfe, Why I Studied Pharmacy, 8-19-11

Jerry Stephens, The Samuel Bracy story from the Historical Record Association Annals of Arkansas 1947, 8-23-11

Phyllis Brandon, My Father, Calvin Dillaha, 8-23-11

Sarah Mitchell, History of pharmacy in Calico Rock, 8-30-11

Jan Hastings, Red, the Ideal Patient, 8-30-11

Don Phillips, My 50 Wonderful Years in Pharmacy, 9-16-11

Jim Fields, Career History, 9-16-11

Don Phillips, Experiences as APhA International Relations Committee Chairman 1965-1968, 11-1-11